Christoph Pillwein
Experience: Online Startups and SMB, Internet Marketing, SEO, Software Development
Specialties: Online Marketing Strategies, Executive Coaching, IT Consulting and Development
Location: Vienna, Austria
Bio: Christoph Pillwein is a senior partner at Semantic Mastery with a strong background in software development and marketing.
He has been interested in technology since the age of 4 and always had a close look at what his dad was doing on the computer. In 1998, he officially began his computer career and started studying computer science.
After his graduation he went on to develop applications for embedded devices and soon thereafter started his first own company where he developed iPhone and Android Apps. Gaining experience in his own company, he realized that he is also highly passionate about marketing and shifted his focus there. His unique skill-set makes him an invaluable resource for many businesses that want to dominate the online marketplace.
Christoph has helped over 100 businesses build a leading online presence and is currently coaching and mentoring young online entrepreneurs.
Social: Christoph loves traveling and all kinds of board-sports.